Friday 17 April 2009

Twitter users tell the BNP where to stick it

We're loathe to write a second blog post about Twitter in such a short period (more from Kate Hollern coming soon) but for, as Harold Macmillan once said, "events dear boy, events"!

It seems that a number of BNP activists have ventured away from the chummy racist echo chamber of the BNP website to perform a bit of ill-advised "online engagement" with Twitter, the fast-growing internet messenging service. In the process, they've discovered first hand what the vast majority of the general public think of them.

The BNP leader Nick Griffin is standing as a North West candidate in the European elections on 4 June and Harriet Harman was correct in her recent assessment of the threat.

But we can take heart from the sturdy - and sometimes very witty - rejection they have suffered from Twitter users!

They seem to have adopted the "follow 1,000 people and hope they follow back" strategy. It's not even as they're targetting political people, as these hilarious posts show:

mattkirshen: Why are the BNP following me? Does he know I'm a Jew? And I'm in America so when I *GO HOME*, I'll be re-entering Britain
Flangel66: @BNPBen Get ready for a near-fatal overdose of Harry Potter and Doctor Who, 'cos I don't really Tweet about anything else!
blanche_dubois: Darling, what is the BNP? Is it some kinky British thing?

We're afraid it doesn't get any better for them:

Rogue_Leader: Urgh. The BNP followed me. How shall I get clean?
will_full: I'm disturbed to have found a user named BNPBen following me - I hit Block pretty quickly... Look him up though he's hilarious/disturbing.
christinamartin: Help I'm being followed by the BNP! Not for long though. Thank goodness for 'block'!
formulaic666: Why are the BNP following me? Let me put it simply. I hate you, your idiot redneck mates and everything you stand for.

Some users even tried to engage them in logical argument. Still no joy!

mrsminns: @BNPBen also thinks the anti-BNP messages he's been getting show a refusal to engage. Does he think "engage" means "agree"?
jaylett: On the prompting of @BNPBen, have read the BNP policies on their website. The words are 'thundering loonies'.
Well said guys. We couldn't have put it better ourselves!

Anyone wanting to read more (including things we can't print) or who doubts that these are representative can look here and here. Also check out our page on the BNP threat and Asif Sange's call to arms.

Source: Blackburn Labour Party

Apr 16, 2009

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